
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Being Fabulous is the Best Revenge?

To continue of theme of the week of "Being Fabulous," is being fabulous the best revenge?...sure the heck is!

Listen, we don't condone revenge, but let's be honest if someone hurts us and it makes them a little uncomfortable because we are so fabulous, hey that's on them!

Five Fabulous ways to Be Fabulous....and a little vengeful without being..hehe!

  1. Dress the part...fabulous shoes, fabulous outfit, even fabulous amount of fabulous perfume..after all you want to make sure that they even have to breathe you fabulousness.
  2. Fabulous confidence is key! Strut, ooze, and breathe confidence!
  3. Don't "act" busy.. be busy! Finish all your work with diligence and grace. 
  4. Blindsight them! Buy them a fabulous cup of coffee or do a random act of kindness...not only does it confuse them...but you are"killing" them with kindness;)
  5. Have a fabulous social calendar! Don't have one? Create one...go to the latest museum exhibition, art show, cooking lessons, etc. 
Either be fabulous or be boring....

Some Fabulous Peeps
Bridget Bardot...Fabulous Frenchie
Adele's Fabulous..well everything!
Bethenny Frankel is a pretty fabulous mom, wife, and entrepreneur!
Luci and Rosie are the most fabulous of course!! (Our daughters)

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