
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Five Acts of Random Kindness for Today and Everyday!

Five Acts of Random Kindness to do today!

1. Smile all day long. Smiling does confuse people but in a good way.

2. Surprise someone with a cup of yummy coffee. Everyone loves Caffeine!

3. Send a random note to a friend reminding of a funny memory you had together.

4. Leave a note, saying "you are doing great"on a strangers windshield.

5. Tell someone that you are praying for them, you will leave them astonished.  


  1. Speaking of random acts of kindness, I was going through the drive through at Starbucks recently, and after trying to give the barista my credit card , she told me the person in the car before me had already paid for me!

    It was so random, so kind, and so confusingly great! It did inspire me to do the same thing myself sometime soon. It really made my day!

    Lovely post!

    1. That's so beautiful! It totally gives us a different take on the world when people do wonderful things like that!

  2. I love the random note idea. I've got a friend from high school who remembers everything all these years later. She would love getting a note with one of our memories.

  3. These are great!! I love the smile one!! It is so true-people are surprised by it!!

  4. Great ideas, and don't we all need a little reminding about this from time to time. Thanks for sharing.
