My husband and I went for our 5 year anniversary dinner to an adorable, quaint, French restaurant, "Lake Park Bistro" ( and I fell in love with an over the moon, out of this world champagne cocktail! Yes, it became such an alluring relationship that my endearing husband ordered two on my behalf! What was this amazing cocktail?
1 part creme de cassis
5 parts champagne
Add a lemon rind and black currant or raspberries
The reason I'm sharing this with you is of course, my love for champagne. But this amazing champagne cocktail proves my point that every woman looks more sophisticated, more alluring and more feminine with a glass of champagne. What woman doesn't love those fruity cocktails? Well instead of ordering your A-Typical Vodka and Cranberry or Tequila Sunrise, it's time to spice it up! Order a Kir Royale, you may even shock your date by stepping out of the box.
Hold the champagne glass by the stem.
Don't forget to give your lover those smoldering eyes while you sip your Kir Royale throughout the evening.
OOh looks yummy! Thanks for posting the "recipe" I have a little bottle of champagne on hand, this would be a fun drink to have with the hubby- he usually makes us Amaretto sours, which are delish as well! :)