Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ignite The Fire! "I Want You To Want Me"

Written By: Ooh La La (Danielle Marie)

I've noticed an odd trend, very few couples spend any time together!  Now I'm not talking about those little lovebirds still in the climax of their relationship, please!  No, I'm referring to those couples who have hit the honeymoon stage and are way beyond it!  They are still very much in love with each other, love spending time together but for some reason, they just don't make date nights a priority.  I know, I shouldn't talk because my husband and I also have a hard time planning alone time, it gets tough with kids.  So this post is to put my fire ablaze too!


Set the fire ablaze!  Get rid of the excuses, work to grow your relationship and above all, find time for each other!  If it means you pick the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month for date nights, then do it!  No excuses, there should be at least one date planned a month!  Show your lover that he is an important part of your life.


Try something new.  Stop recreating the same date nights over and over again, even people who don't take risks and like consistency will at times enjoy change, just be careful not to fly them to Paris without warning!  (You got the point!)  If you always plan a dinner date, but why not try a new restaurant downtown, or a picnic near the lake or how about dinner reservations on a small boat?


Dates are not all about spending money, they are about spending time!  Oftentimes the best dates are the unplanned, unique but intimate ones.  Try not to make it about yourself, but about the both of you as a couple.  Spice up your time together, plan something unexpected, something that will make you laugh, make you joke, maybe even make you cry (happy tears) but best of all, make some memories!


As sensual beings, we all want to be loved.  We want to feel needed, caressed, cared for and above all we want to be wanted!  Show this to your loved one, whether it's a kiss on the neck as he's watching a football game, or a massage (without strings attached) or bringing home flowers, just because!  There doesn't have to be a special occasion for you to show your love, these small actions will be welcomed everyday throughout the year.  They don't have to be over the top, but once in awhile, a genuine surprise is amazing!  And no, purchasing a new shower rod is not a "surprise" or a "gift"; it is a household "necessity", can we say HOMER GIFT!


This has become the new trend, girls' weekends (manis, pedis and plenty of shopping) v. guys' weekends (golf, golf and more golf!).  There is nothing wrong with these types of vacations, we all need girl or guy bonding time, but there must be a limit and by the way whatever happened to COUPLES' WEEKENDS, or just COUPLE WEEKENDS?  Why must everything be done in social groups?  We don't have to make everything public to the world, somethings are better private.  Make time for your girl weekends and guy weekends, but spend time away as a couple...alone.


A surprise doesn't have to be crazy, it just has to be unexpected.  So plan a date for you and your loved one, but something you will both enjoy!  Just remember, it's not where or how you are planning the date, it's who you are spending it with!  

Word to the Wise...You never know where the night will take you, so be prepared to have the time of your lives!

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