Are you the bride? Is it your wedding day?
Is everything exactly as you dreamed it would be? You have the perfect dress, the over-the-top exotic floral arrangements and the most amazing future husband in the whole world! With all that planning, time and money, who doesn't want to remember every second of every hour of that amazing day?
Here's a word to the wise: Watch What You Drink! A drunk bride is completely classless. You will ruin the night not only for yourself, your husband and your close family but it will leave a nasty effect on anyone who comes in contact with you after that 5th shot of whiskey!
Present yourself with an air of dignity and leave the drinking for your honeymoon. You are obliged to act as a hostess, after all, you did invite all those people and are paying for their meals!
So, give your guests a night to remember with excellent food and great entertainment, but keep your drinks at a minimum. You don't want to embarrass your family (who may have paid for the majority of your wedding) and most of all you don't want to create a scene and embarrass yourself and your husband! Don't forget: you will have to see these people again...
Sauce of Life Tip for the Bride: Not sure what to drink on your wedding day? Sip on a glass of champagne or wine. If you prefer beer, then always have it put in a pilsner glass. Never drink your beer out of bottle or can as the bride, stick with a glass, it's much classier!
Sauce of Life Tip for the Groom: Men, it is just as bad for a guest to witness a drunk bride as it is a drunk groom. You don't want to be the entertainment, do you?
Drink to me only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss within the cup,
And I'll not look for wine.
~Ben Jonson To Celia.
Photo Courtesy of Andrew Schliesman Photography
True story--I was SO happy that I didn't drink much at my wedding--I had so much fun and remembered every minute. :)